After spending the night in Pammukale we caught the bus to Ephesus which are some ruins in relatively good condition. A highlight was the public latrine which still has toliet seat cut outs in marble.
From Ephesus we caught the overnight bus to Canakkale and spent the next day touring ANZAC Cove and Gallipoli. This was a really cool thing to see as a New Zealander and we both felt moved that there was a part of NZ all the way over in Turkey.
Istanbul was the last stop in Turkey so we spent the next two nights there visiting some of the well known sights including the Blue Mosque, Aya Sofya and Topkapi Palace. We also took advantage of the 4000 shop bazaar and did a bit of haggeling so we could bring home some souveneir booty.
Then we caught our flight to Munich and spent a couple of days taking in the scenery and cuisine of Bavaria. The hills were alive with the sound of music as we trekked to Salzburg for the day to see the famous sound of Music sights. Sadly there was no Captain Von Trapp to be found but there was music and there were hills.
We also took advantage of the beer halls in Munich, sampling the local brew along with curry wursts and sauer kraut...delicious!
Now we are in the Loirre Valley, France and today visited the Chateau Chonneceaux, which has the most beautiful gardens and some cool stories about when it was a field hospital in the war. Tomorrow we are hoping to catch the train to La Rochelle.
We are looking forward to England now and catching up with some friendly faces. Its not long now until Lauren flies home and Kim strarts her interviews so we are making the most of our last couple of weeks and looking forward to seeing some of you soon.